
Showing posts from September, 2011

what a nice day!

hadueh yang udah punya, selamat banget ya :) *lirik  relole jadi tau siapa yang seneng banget ngecurhat ama elu. BTW ikut jurnal dong, photos editor  kekurangan orang, nyet. sisan biar ada yang jealous *lirik-lirik well,  yang bikin hari ini nice bukan cuma itu. Jie nyadar. Oh hell yeah! nyampe nangis segala lagi anaknya. caper banget deh, please.  walaupun 2 kali ngeliat pemandangan ga enak *lirik Benny*, tetep aja gimana ya, tau makhluk yang satu ini kepilih jadi story teller *ngintip  Zida *, punya adek kelas yang mirip strom-braining -nya, aaah... betapa menyenangkannya. di siang hari, gue jadi makhluk sosial yang baik dan suka menabung, tapi, di malam hari saya kembali menjadi Cumberbitch, yang telat tau soal adanya unaired pilots Sherlock #nangisdarah. AAH betapa banyaknya Dopamine yang dikeluarkan hari ini!


that deepest ocean... quavering, almost it's climax... then dropping... one, by one. ___ let's saying it's grayish-blue. the first element of my wholeworld, the one who trapping me into the upper-minded god, chills run over if it's not trembling. it's dawn here, but it's not has started yet. no, no. the fetish hasn't started yet! when you are frowning a little, than flickered, and for some reason, your eyelash is twitching a little, it's started. "morning" the light run off, and you smiled. yes, I'm blessing the dawn god to wake him up. "hey come here. it hasn't been 5 in the morning" stroke the blanket, sharing the pillow, smiling. but, baby, the ocean of yours is too calm. what's wrong? "hey, the day before this day... yeah, yesterday, it's all okay.        at the first i'm willing to be so sad, but...          now I owe you. what's lacking from this happiness?" sho...
Try to look up the world Because have been dispointed too much Is the least useful things to do, If you were despair. Much talk as god, Like the world's attantion is yours, Is the most stupid thing in your wholelife. Hey, what's the benefit of caring me so much like hell, If those feeling isn't true? Or, with caring me, you got what you want, eh? Ah, then, release me. Please release me from this jail. Yeah, I know, I'm a butterfly that has you've caught, Yes I know, every butterfly that have get caught will become the precious dead insects, in your room, but. But. But, I have another mission to do. Not just showing my little wing for people. So, then tell me... Tell me how to escape your dragnet... The dragnet of your love...______________..