
Showing posts from October, 2011

WHOA my tumblr crush (girl) has answer my question, it's aweeesooomeee.

by the way I'm not bisex or lesbi or what, she is awesome, the awesomeness of people made me blush, blush is a type of thing that happened to people when they do socialization with their crush. so...
Azan berkumandang  bagai permainan harpa para malaikat. Sahut menyahut, mengisi relung jiwa. Langit pun mulai dibakar surya, Merealisasikan warna tak terbayang, Ungu muda di ujung Barat dan Biru tua di ujung Timur. Awan mulai terlihat, Saling berkejaran ciptakan gelombang halusinasi baru. Jikalau lelah, Awan-awan itu selimuti gunung, Gunung tinggi dan agung yang bersetubuh dengan sawah para petani. Lama sudah aku singgah di sini. Namun lama pula aku tak membuka mata pukul segini. Nikmati senyuman lembut para peri pagi yang berkunjung. Dan singgahi mimpi tak berujung. Planet mars pun galau melihat kecantikannya. Karena bumi hanya ingin lupakan lukanya


well, then stop the screamy-acts right now. this october is... such a mess. it's near to my mid-term test (actually , it's started tomorrow), and a doctor said i had blepharitis (googling, now, if you don't know what it is.) and my civillians teacher is hate my guts and everything just in mess now. great. nothing important in this post, and well, this post title is too harsh. i do update my tumblr, with some Ben's pict. sorry