Saturday Noon and (a)Live

It was really chilly morning. The sun can't shone, heavy gray cloud hug her tight. After my uniform just complete, my father took me to the (almost) coolest place in my city, the freaking junior high of mine. Everything just fine, until I realized that I didn't bring my work-sheet for my first period. Shit! Cold sweat flow in my back and palm of my hands. But after took test, nothing, just nothing happened. The civilian teacher only say, "Is the homework was that important?" and left my class without guilty. Thanks god, for saving me THIS time.

Now, it's the third period. Social Science, not my beloved subject, but still, for becoming good psychologist, I had to like it. Just like this morning, this subject went to be fine for first. But, my teacher took my foe as my friend for doing some assignment, not my crush. After a little reshuffle, still, I wasn't got my crush in my group. Almost crying, I ran away from the class and went to the library.

At the library, I cryed a little and calming down. The bell for break time just rang, and I got up for preparing myself to comeback to my class. Then I realized, my other crush (a senior) just enter the library. Wait him 'till the break is over and ran away fast was my plan. You know what? The words 'human plan god laugh' just true. I can ran away from him, but, I met my another crush. Scared, I was running to my class at the second floor. Then, because my long skirt, I fell down at the second row of stair and got laughed. I just ignore them but my right knee stop me. It was swollen. Right away, I ran  to toilet to cool it down.

When I had done, I heard friend of my senior crush talking in front of my door. "Heeeiii!! 8 grader!! Hurry up!!" he yell, followed by his friends' giggle. NO A FUCKING WAY. I won't open the door 'till all of you get the hell out of my way! my heart screamed loudly. At 12 o'clock, the giggle and their sound of step just gone, so I came out from the toilet and ran quickly.

No, the story haven't stopped yet. After the school has over, I almost take the same path as my senior crush. I realize it was him, so, I turn back, taking another way. Suddenly, my classmate, Greys, say "Hey, senior, see! Plaw is ashmed!" My body haven't turn over entirely and saw that senior grinning, and answered Greys' words, "Haha, yes she really is. She really is a bashful girl!" and people who saw it just explode in cheers. Again, I ran and ran and ran. Fast, quick, just because one and another sweet boys who develop to my crush  and made me blush.

Yes, this is my first time feeling the SNL, Saturday Noon and (a)Live x)


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